March 12, 2025

When it comes to feeding your horse, there are a lot of options. You can give it grass or hay, grain products like oats and barley, fruits like apples and bananas—the possibilities are endless! Let’s dive deeper into this. 

Good foods to give your horse include:

Hay – Horses need a balanced diet of hay, grain and water. Hay is the most important part of any horse’s diet because it provides roughage to aid digestion and fiber for healthy teeth and gums. Some horses also enjoy grazing on grass or other vegetation as an additional source of food.

Grain – Grain should make up no more than 5% of the total daily caloric intake for adult horses—the rest should come from hay and pasture grasses (if they are available). Oats, barley, corn, wheat mashes and mixes containing these grains are good choices for feeding your horse in small amounts once or twice per day as long as he doesn’t have any allergies or intolerances to certain grains!

Fruits & Vegetables – Horses can eat apples, carrots, bananas, oranges without seeds; cabbage leaves without core attached–just discard pieces left behind after scraping off leafy portions using knife before serving them up with mealtime treats on top–but never feed whole heads because they’re too fibrous/hard for their digestive systems.

You can experiment with feeding your horse different kinds of fruits and vegetables to see what kinds of treats she likes best

There are many fruits and vegetables that horses can eat, but you should only feed your horse fresh produce. If you have an apples tree in your backyard, consider planting some of these other items to give your horse a change of pace once in awhile:

  • Apples
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots (fresh or dried)
  • Celery stalks with leaves still attached (the leaves contain vitamin A)

For the most part, horses are omnivores who eat both grasses and grains.

They also enjoy eating fruits and vegetables, though it’s not necessary for them to get all of their vitamins from plants instead of from hay or pellets. It is important not to overfeed them treats like carrots though—too much sugar may cause dental problems!

Try carrots, apples, or bananas for a healthy treat that your horse will love

Carrots are a great choice for a healthy treat because they’re easy to find and inexpensive. Plus, they’re easy to store, feed, digest and chew. They also don’t require much effort on your part! You can even throw them in the top of your horse’s stall door so that he doesn’t have to leave his stall to get one.

Apples are probably one of your favourite snacks too but did you know that they make an excellent healthy treat for horses? They’re packed full of vitamins A and C which give off some natural energy boosts in addition to being delicious!

Bananas are another tasty treat option for horses (as well as humans) and are best served fresh from the tree because there’s no need for refrigeration with these tasty fruits!

What not to eat

Keep in mind that horses should not eat avocado or chocolate because these foods can be toxic to horses.

Avocado contains persin, which causes intestinal problems in the horse. This can lead to colic and diarrhoea, so it’s best to keep avocados away from your horse.

Chocolate (including dark chocolate) has caffeine, which is harmful for your horse if eaten in large quantities. Chocolate also contains sugar and fat, both of which are bad for a horse’s digestive system as well as its heart health.